Development of software for the selection of improved oil recovery methods

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José Eduardo Bolaños Zarate
Gustavo Raúl Pinto Arteaga


In this research develops a software for the selection of optimal enhanced recovery methods for each reservoir based on petrophysical and fluid properties; through the analysis of the estimated parameters by Taber, Martin, & Seright for the application of improved recovery methods, with which it was determined minimum, appropriate and optimum operating parameters for each method. The developed software based its operation on the criteria established by the work of Taber et al., in which are eight methods of enhanced oil recovery, whose selection depends on established ranges for 9 petrophysical and fluid parameters. These parameters after the completion of the analysis of the published study in the North Sea until 2005, were updated. The software validation results were done through the entry of the data of 18 fields and a comparative analysis with commercial software. From the analysis performed for develop of the software we concluded that: the injection of miscible and immiscible gas can be used on wells whose depth exceeded 12000 ft for a high API crude and low viscosity; some parameters previously defined by Taber could be updated. The software developed at no time have intention to replace the stage of laboratory and field tests prior to the implementation of an enhanced recovery project. In Ecuador the application of EOR technologies is still a new topic and although there is commercial software for selection of methods (screening) so far had not generated a national tool. The results of this research will be a future module of a more comprehensive software for enhanced oil recovery currently works at the Central University of Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Bolaños Zarate, J. E., & Pinto Arteaga, G. R. (2016). Development of software for the selection of improved oil recovery methods. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 1(1), 15–24.
Author Biographies

José Eduardo Bolaños Zarate, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Ingeniero de Petróleos. Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Gustavo Raúl Pinto Arteaga, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Ingeniero de Petróleos. Dipl. Sup. Alta Gerencia en Negociación Petrolera. Magister en Ingeniería de Petróleos Opción Producción. Docente de FIGEMPA.

Orcid: 0000-0002-6912-8083


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