Structural characteristics of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove swamp (Tumbes, Peru)

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Marco Zapata-Cruz
Ramón García-Seminario
Auberto Hidalgo-Mogollón
Enedia Vieyra-Peña
Héctor Sánchez-Suárez
Alberto Ordinola-Zapata


The Puerto Pizarro mangrove is part of the Tumbes mangrove, the largest in Peru; it is also the mangrove with the greatest anthropic impact in the region; in this area, no studies have been carried out on the status of its population of Rhizophora mangle, the most important mangrove species in the Peruvian mangroves. The objective of this research was to establish the structural characteristics of R. mangle in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove. The study was carried out by subdividing the research area into three zones (A, B and C), in which 41 plots of 1 ha each were selected, in each plot a sub-area of 0.25 ha (50 m x 50 m) was taken). In these sub-areas, mangrove trees of the species Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa and Avicennia germinans were evaluated regarding their structural characteristics: diameter at breast height (DBH), height, basal area, density, frequency, dominance and index value of ecological importance (IVI). It was found that R. mangle had a greater DAP, height and basal area than the other species; also, higher density, frequency, dominance and relative IVI (adjusted to 100%) than the other species with values ​​of 51.5%, 100%, 82.6% and 53.3%, respectively. The research findings allow us to conclude that the population of R. mangle in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove is a mature population, with a predominance of stems and latizales. However, its structural characteristics are not homogeneous throughout the Puerto Pizarro area, since zone A, with less anthropic impact and lower salinity, has R. mangle trees with better structural characteristics than those in zones B and C in which there is greater anthropic activity and greater salinity.


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How to Cite
Zapata-Cruz, M., García-Seminario, R., Hidalgo-Mogollón, A., Vieyra-Peña, E., Sánchez-Suárez, H. ., & Ordinola-Zapata, A. (2024). Structural characteristics of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) in the Puerto Pizarro mangrove swamp (Tumbes, Peru). FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 17(1), 01–15.
Author Biographies

Marco Zapata-Cruz, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Tumbes, Perú

Doctor in Environmental Sciences, carries out research work related to environmental sciences, specifically in aquatic environments, as well as cultivation projects, life cycle of different hydrobiological resources, microorganisms and preservation, conservation and bio remediation of natural ecosystems, use of tools of biotechnology as well as investment projects for the use of resources with environmental conservation techniques.

Ramón García-Seminario, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Tumbes, Perú

Agricultural Engineer (National University of Tumbes) Master in Environmental Impact Assessments (Ecological Research Institute - Malaga - Spain). Doctor in Biological Sciences-Environmental Agrobiology (University of the Basque Country) Research Lines: Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology, Plant Toxicology

Auberto Hidalgo-Mogollón, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Tumbes, Perú

Doctor in Environmental Sciences, carries out studies on environmental conservation, in coastal marine ecosystems such as sea, rivers and mangroves. Principal professor of the Faculty of Fishing Engineering and Marine Sciences - Untumbes. Chair of fish breeding and nutrition. Research on various species: breeding and nutrition of tilapia, trout and shrimp. Aspects related to Environmental Pollution.

Enedia Vieyra-Peña, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Tumbes, Perú

Professor at the National University of Tumbes. Doctor in Food Sciences and Master in Economic Sciences with a mention in Business Management. Fisheries Engineer by profession and has carried out research in the areas of: Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Environmental Conservation, Food Quality Control, Hydrobiological resource processing.

Héctor Sánchez-Suárez, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Tumbes, Perú

Doctor in Environmental Sciences, carries out research in the fields of environmental sciences and animal production. Dedicated to research applied to animal productivity, in the area of ​​nutrition and feeding, with emphasis on the use of safe foods for animals at low cost, respecting the environment, with professional ethics, promoting the use of organic waste and eubiotic compounds. coming from beneficial natural bacteria and active plant ingredients, to be transformed into improved food in animal production.

Alberto Ordinola-Zapata, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Tumbes, Perú

He has a Doctor in Environmental Sciences; Master in Aquaculture and Environmental Management. He has completed studies in the Master's Degree in Molecular Biotenology. He is a Fisheries Engineer by Profession and an undergraduate and graduate professor at the Faculty of Fisheries Engineering and Marine Sciences of the National University of Tumbes, being in charge of different subjects related to the area of ​​scientific research. He is a Renacyt researcher and has carried out research in microbiology and pathology of prawns, as well as various studies on mangrove crab (Ucides occidentalis).

He participates in various research in the area of ​​biotechnology, environmental conservation and aquaculture. He directs the Tropical Aquatic Biodiversity Research Group of the National University of Tumbes (Resolution 1346-2019/UNTUMBES-CU) and was a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the National University of Tumbes (Resolution 0781-2019/UNTUMBES-CU).

He has research interests in biotechnology, aquaculture and environmental conservation. He ranked first in academic performance in his undergraduate studies at the School of Fisheries Engineering at the National University of Tumbes, as well as in the Master's Degree in Aquaculture and Environmental Management at the National University of Tumbes.


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