Generation analysis -toxic and biological characteristics of sewage sludge from the water treatment plant Los Álamos

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Yadira Cecilia Paredes Calderón
Wilson Giovanni Chisaguano Quishpe
Paúl Nicandro Malacatus Cobos


The potable water plant Los Alamos treats water from the Coca River in the canton Francisco de Orellana, during coagulation-flocculation is used polychloride aluminum whose process generates chemical sludge that is discharged to a body of surface water in breach of current legislation. The objective of the present study was to analyze the generation and toxic and biological infectious characteristics of the sludge generated, so the hypothesis arises: the sludge generated in the potable water treatment plant Los Alamos can be considered as a hazardous waste. In the present study, three integrated sludge samples were taken into sediments and flocculators during the first quarter of 2016 in accordance with current environmental regulations; In addition, sedimentation sludges were quantified with volumetric sedimentable solid tests. The results indicated that during sedimentation the generated sludge represented 0.571% of the treated water. The microbiological and heavy metal tests performed on the mud indicated that this is a non-hazardous waste; In addition, aluminum does not exceed the maximum permissible limits of international regulations.


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How to Cite
Paredes Calderón, Y. C., Chisaguano Quishpe, W. G., & Malacatus Cobos, P. N. (2017). Generation analysis -toxic and biological characteristics of sewage sludge from the water treatment plant Los Álamos. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 3(1), 61–67.
Author Biography

Paúl Nicandro Malacatus Cobos, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Ingeniero en Gestión Ambiental. Magister en Sistemas de Gestión Integrados. Docente de Posgrado en la UTE. Docente de Posgrado ESPE. Docente UCE.

Orcid: 0000-0003-2417-7348


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