Improvement of the welding processes of an industrial plant to provide safe conditions at work

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Carlos Antonio Cárdenas
Marco Antonio González Escudero


This improvement proposal aims to implement and ensure safe working conditions in the welding process, based on the investigation of the performance in the assembly area f the company SEDEMI SCC during 2014, where were identified operator’s condition as hitting, bruises, cuts, lacerations, back pain, accidents and occupational diseases, whose data were obtained from the morbidity and accident company rates. The affected areas consist of 6 assembly lines in 2 production plants, additionally, through SART evaluation, Technical Management CD 333, in the field of analysis was carried out the diagnosis as management system safety and health. According to the implemented methodology, surveys, interviews, inspections of conditions to the infrastructure, equipment, personal protective elements and endowments as part of a global study to identify the current situation and the elements that serve as input for the approach were conducted gets better. The risk assessment methodology INSHT where mechanical and ergonomic stood as the main risks is adopted; however the physical risks were included for the approach contains comprehensive features. As part of solution, were proposed 2 types of plans: one that corresponds to the management system and other related risk factors, which were fully implemented with a verification stage 1 month duration. With the analysis, it was possible to verify that the proposed and implemented actions had a significant impact to improve the working conditions of welding processes into SEDEMI SCC Company.


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How to Cite
Cárdenas, C. A., & González Escudero, M. A. (2017). Improvement of the welding processes of an industrial plant to provide safe conditions at work. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 4(2), 81–84.
Author Biography

Marco Antonio González Escudero, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Docente Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental.

Orcid: 0000-0003-4415-6579


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