First stage exploration study geological project-Guanajuato-Mexico mine district

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Marcelo Llerena
Byron Guerrero
Denisse Espinosa


This project has focused on determining the existence of (gold and silver) mineral resources through geological-alterations, geochemical, structural models; in order to be able to define drilling targets, the source of information were gathering from the government, private companies and foreign missions. It could be identified through the Folios System, standardization compiling and analysis of information, this process has been justifying the exploration first stage study of the project, using tools lake geological structural mapping, alteration, geochemical sampling of rocks and clay generated, of a product of the different field work carried out. As a result, has been obtaining a geological model of low sulfidation epithermal deposits and it has been determining the existence of mineralization of Au, Ag, and other metal elements. The results have allowed to generate four prospected geology terrains (targets) targets, with the possibility of being able to trace the vectors that indicate zones for Au-Ag mineralization with high potential for exploration and development, generating new geologically favorable areas.


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How to Cite
Llerena, M., Guerrero, B., & Espinosa, D. (2016). First stage exploration study geological project-Guanajuato-Mexico mine district. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 2(2), 7–12.
Author Biographies

Byron Guerrero, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Orcid: 0000-0002-6288-4804

Denisse Espinosa, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Orcid: 0000-0001-8826-1122


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