Analysis of vulnerability to the contamination in the aquifers of the hydrogeological unit Huaquillas
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The aquifer vulnerability assessment is an estimation of the groundwater table exposure degree to a potential pollution (independently of their nature or composition) according to subsurface intrinsic properties. The pollution vulnerability in Huaquillas Hydrogeological Unit has been determined by qualitative methods GOD and DRASTIC. The generated vulnerability maps catalogued the coastal plain as the least suitable area to endure a potential pollution. According to DRASTIC method, aquifer Q2 and Q1/Ng aquifers unconfined areas located at lower basin, present medium degree pollution vulnerability, but according to GOD method, these areas present high vulnerability degree. Otherwise at high basin, vulnerability aquifers Q1 and Ng ranging between low to very low. Therefore, the results of pollution vulnerability suggest that the upper basin is the zone with the lowest degree of exposure to a potential pollution event, where anthropic activities could be carried out without compromising the groundwater quality.
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