Monochrome is a composite painting with a single color or black and white, its result is to be able to appreciate and educate, ultimately, a space for reflection during this turbulent time of pandemic (COVID-19), a time of great pain, anger and confusion. It is a radical act to create beauty and to investigate in different conditions, realizing that this "normality" that we lived was abnormal. We have to fight the urge to contribute to pain, it is a daily fight to do it, it is in our hearts to overcome these events that affect people, our jobs, our lives. We hope to come out of this critical phase to help us gather, to heal, to find beauty in our fleeting moments despite pain and trauma, and in the end, the investigative work in Ecuador and in the world, contemplate the human being as the ultimate end for which to make and generate peace in the midst of this cruel madness. Approaching the investigative process is acquiring an intense commitment to creating tools that allow us to explore our potential with the idea of ​​proposing practical solutions, not speculative or utopian, that invite society to contemplate with a holistic vision, a different but fantastic world, where the elements (earth, water, air, fire) of our Mother Earth (Pachamama, GAIA, etc.) help to break the paradigms and that the man leaves that cave that does not let him observe the images created by his darkness. Therefore, we subvert the "normal" conception of the 20th century, tinged by injustice, oppression, abandonment, anguish, despair, irrationality, individualism, vanity, to see the light of solidarity, discipline, resilience, friendship, respect, justice, tolerance, teamwork, in short, love for our environment of which we are part.


Published: 2020-06-30