A Lima city case


  • Miguel Córdova Ramírez



Streets, empathy, perceptions, urban imaginary, built environment


Empathy has helped us to act in the most appropriate way to a situation from understanding the other’s point of view, that is, from a detailed understanding of our environment. Einfühlung, a fundamental piece in the conceptualization of empathy, allows us to expand that interaction with objects to reveal how empathy with streets occurs. This kind of empathy has been placed in a dispositional phase to explore interpersonal responses such as understanding, comprehension, identification and recognition of its various components. Through a qualitative study in the streets of the Lima neighborhoods of Lince, Jesús María and Santa Beatriz, facades were compared to reveal variables in construction of urban perceptions and imaginaries. As a result of this, location, visibility, variety, sense of community and historicization were found to influence the disposition to recognize, or not, streets with live.

Author Biography

Miguel Córdova Ramírez

Arquitecto por la Universidad Ricardo Palma, Magister en Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Facultad de Arquitectura).


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How to Cite

Córdova Ramírez, M. (2021). VARIABLES TO EMPATHIZE WITH STREETS: A Lima city case. Arquitectura Y Sociedad, 1(20), 54–71.