Índice de redondez corporal como indicador antropométrico para identificar riesgo de síndrome metabólico en médicos del hospital San Francisco del IESS, en la ciudad de Quito
Body mass index, metabolic syndrome, anthropometry, overweight, body roundness indexAbstract
Contex: Chronic non-communicable diseases are of interest to public health; some of them can be detected and predicted through basic studies such as anthropometry. The body mass index (BMI) assesses, stratifies and classifies the individual’s level of overweight as a risk factor for metabolic syndrome (MS), without discriminating between muscle mass and adiposity that can be elucidated by means of the body roundness index (BRI) and predict both body fat percentage and health status. Barazzoni and collaborators related both IRC and BRI with metabolic syndrome; about this relationship there are few studies, some controversial. Objective: to demonstrate the usefulness of the BRI to identify risk factors for metabolic syndrome and correlate it with the body mass index to establish clinical utility as an indicator of metabolic risk. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational epidemiological study, in a sample of 90 doctors from the San Francisco Hostpital of Quito (Ecuadorian Social Security Institute). Main measurements: nutritional status according to weight, height, abdominal circumference; diagnosis of metabolic syndrome according to “guide for the treatment of dyslipidemias in adults” (Adult Treatment Panel III). Results: 16.67% (95% CI 10.37–25.69%) of subjects were diagnosed with MS demonstrating a similar result using BMI and BRI to establish the condition of MS according to diagnostic criteria of ATPIII (p <0.05). The accuracy of the BMI as a predictor of MS risk was 62% and 30% accuracy; for IRC, the accuracy was 42%, sensitivity 23% and 100% negative predictive value. Conclusions: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in doctors is high. The BRI is useful for the diagnosis of MS, however, its greatest application is to rule out its diagnosis, compared to the BMI. New studies are recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Sebastián Vallejo Espinoza, Jorge Sánchez Sánchez, Washington Paz Cevallos, William Guamán Gualpa, Fabián Montaluisa Vivas, Fabricio Correa, Marco Vásquez

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