INGENIO Journal is the specialized dissemination organ of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador; its objective is the dissemination of technical and scientific research in the fields of Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering/Information Systems, Industrial Design Engineering and Computer Graphics/Computer Engineering and other branches of Engineering, Industry and Construction.

Published: 2024-01-31

Desarrollo de una Herramienta Educativa Inalámbrica Basada en Raspberry Pi

Holger Jorge Santillán Carranza, Jairo Oliver Enríquez Sandoval, José Fernando Bonilla Castro


Analysis of AC Flow Applied to an Electric Power System

Alexander Emanuel Torres Romero, David Humberto Cárdenas Villacres, Raquel de los Angeles Salas Ibarra


Modeling of a Wall and Reaction Slab for Quasi-Static Tests Using the Finite Element Method

Andreina Rosa Morillo Valencia, Carla Fernanda Toapanta León, Sigifredo Décimo Díaz Mendoza, Diego Armando Arévalo Chafuel, Melisa Natalia Herrera Quishpe, Christian Michael Gómez Soto


Vulnerability Analysis in Medical Grade OT Equipment at the SOLCA Nucleus Hospital in Quito

Gerardo Iván Cajamarca Méndez , Mario Giovanny Ron Gavi, María Gabriela Vera, María Karina Alvarado Figueroa, Bryan Alexander Cajamarca Albán
