Gold recovery by gravimetric concentration using Z-type concentrators in the Zamora-Ecuador mining district

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Fausto Acosta Fiallos
Cristhian Feijoo Loayza


Ecuador has a high potential for mining resources, which can be properly exploited to generate high economic returns for the benefit of the country, proof of this is the province of Zamora Chinchipe which is one of the 5 main Ecuadorian alluvial gold deposits, where gravimetric extraction methods are used. However, it is also evident the lack of technification in the mineral profit processes in this mining sector. For example, the use of the Z-type gravimetric concentrator is very common. This type of equipment has several drawbacks during its operation for mineral recovery. For the present study, samples were taken from nine profit plants of the sector in order to determine the efficiency of recovery of gold, the configuration of the different Z-type concentrators studied, operating parameters was analyzed, and the presence of mercury in the tailings. The results show that gold recoveries in the plants studied range from 12% to 98%, showing that the equipment presents disadvantages when the ore presents fine gold and therefore it is necessary to have alternatives that improve the recovery processes.


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How to Cite
Acosta Fiallos, F., & Feijoo Loayza, C. (2020). Gold recovery by gravimetric concentration using Z-type concentrators in the Zamora-Ecuador mining district. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 10(2), 42–49.
Author Biographies

Fausto Acosta Fiallos, Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético. Quito, Ecuador

Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético
ORCID: 0000-0001-6502-4378

Cristhian Feijoo Loayza, Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético. Quito, Ecuador

Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético
ORCID: 0000-0003-1261-1768


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