Hydrocarbon policy guidelines for the 2021-2025 period Exploration and development chapter

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Luis Arauz-Jaramillo


This article is part of the Hydrocarbon Policy Guidelines that it is proposed to implement for the 2021-2025 period and refers to the Exploration and Development Chapter. This chapter sets out the general lines that the Government should address and implement in order to guarantee the search for hydrocarbons, increase reserves and the management of oil fields in the national territory, which contribute to the supply of national demand, export and the income of foreign exchange, as a substantial part of the country's economy. Based on these Hydrocarbon Policy Guidelines, the corresponding Plans and Programs must be developed, as well as the necessary economic-financial and engineering studies, in order to specify the actions and projects that require their implementation.


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How to Cite
Arauz-Jaramillo, L. (2022). Hydrocarbon policy guidelines for the 2021-2025 period: Exploration and development chapter. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 14(2), 124–129. https://doi.org/10.29166/revfig.v14i2.3590
Author Biography

Luis Arauz-Jaramillo, Investigador Privado. Quito - Ecuador

Ingeniero de Petróleos

Investigador privado



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