How do you pass of the practice community to learning community?

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Jorge Daniel Ortiz Herrera
Lena Lilibeth Flores González
Gisela Torres Martínez
Ximena de los Ángeles Escobar Pazmiño


This proposal arises from the Dirección Académica as a response to changing demands required by the Ecuadorian higher education system led by the Consejo de Educación Superior and to opening of new intellectual capital that it has been integrated into the Universidad Central del Ecuador in the last 4 years; requested through the retirement process. The Dirección Académica in charge of educational and curricular projects and conscious of the role that the Universidad Central, which is considered the Alma Mater of Ecuador, has played a big part in the development of society and will continue to contribute to the projected mission and vision until 2019. The process of redesigning the mission and vision motivates the creation of learning communities with different educational actors, identified by permanent accompaniments, innovation, equity, being open to criticism, and keeping university autonomy, meanwhile maintaining responsibility. The process that began at the end of 2014, it was supported by the action research. This relates to the systematic and theoretical reflection mode with the transforming action of the reality from the experience, and in community, it facilitates the continuous and creative potential for learning ability. This is imperative for the success of innovative educational and curricular projects. The results achieved in the first stage, have allowed the promotion of the scientific-academic debate, efforts to integrate the management of a coherent language and taking advantage of the spaces to consolidate the positioning of the Department and through it the identity of the university.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Herrera, J. D., Flores González, L. L., Torres Martínez, G., & Escobar Pazmiño, X. de los Ángeles. (2017). How do you pass of the practice community to learning community?. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 3(1), 49–55.
Author Biographies

Jorge Daniel Ortiz Herrera, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Magíster en Docencia Matemática. Magíster en Docencia Universitaria en Ciencias de la Ingeniería. Docente FIGEMPA.

Orcid: 0000-0003-4355-8971

Lena Lilibeth Flores González, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Desarrollo Localy Territorial. Docente F. CC. Administrativas

Gisela Torres Martínez, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Máster en Pedagogía Profesional. Analista DGA

Ximena de los Ángeles Escobar Pazmiño, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Magíster en Gerencia y Liderazgo Educacional. Doctora en Historia. Analista DGA


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