Production optimization of Parahuacu field using stimulation techniques.

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Denisse Michelle Ayala Piña
Gustavo Raúl Pinto Arteaga


The optimization of Parahuacu field productivity is possible using stimulation techniques such as hydraulic fracture and sandstone acidizing, since the field shows a production drop and high productivity potential. The current status of 9 wells that belong to the field, of which 5 are closed (PRH_04, PRH_05, PRH_08, PRH_09 and PRH_21) and 4 are open (PRH_02, PRH_13, PRH_18 y PRHN_01), so is possible to identify if they satisfy the mechanical conditions needed for the intervention and which stimulation technique is appropriate, if their reservoirs are still able to produce. the IPR curves were analyzed with the purpose of determinate how beneficial would be the intervention, these curves were presented in function of the most relevant characteristics of the reservoirs, such as: Pr, Pwf, Pb, k and s. In order to determine the technical feasibility, the criteria analyzed: completion initial proof, production history, workover history, last intervention, well log, Build up results, wellbore schematic, cement bond log and IPR curves. In order to determine the stimulation technique, the permeability and the skin factor were analyzed. With the application of the suggested stimulation techniques to the 9 wells, the increment of production was 2074 BOPD.


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How to Cite
Ayala Piña, D. M., & Pinto Arteaga, G. R. (2017). Production optimization of Parahuacu field using stimulation techniques. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 4(2), 15–20.
Author Biography

Gustavo Raúl Pinto Arteaga, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador

Docente Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental.

Orcid: 0000-0002-6912-8083


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