About the Journal


Revista Cátedra, of the Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad Central del Ecuador is published every six months, the first month of each period from January-June, July-December. Director/Editors-in-Chief Ph.D. Sergio Lujan Mora, MSc. Verónica Simbaña Gallardo.

Location: Quito - Ecuador, belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of Universidad Central del Ecuador.

ISSN electrónico: 2631-2875

Digital Object identifer

Web page: http://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/CATEDRA/index

Revista Cátedra E-mail: revista.catedra@uce.edu.ec  

Phone number: (+593) 2506-658 ext. 111 o 22904-760

Open Access politics: articles are published usuing the

Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)

Plagiarisms detection: The journal uses a plagiarism detection tool (Compilatio, https://www.compilatio.net/es ). A maximum match rate of 10% will be accepted.

The editorial process is managed using OJS (Open Journal System).

The journal accepts articles written in Spanish and English.





Zip code: Av. Universitaria, Quito 170129

E-mail:  decanato.fil@uce.edu.ec

Phone number: (+593) 2506-658 ext. 111 o 22904-760


Zip code: Av. Universitaria, Quito 170129

Revista Cátedra e-mail: revista.catedra@uce.edu.ec

Editors-in-Chief: Sergio Luján-Mora y Verónica Simbaña-Gallardo

E-mail of editors: vpsimbanag@uce.edu.ec

Phone number: (+593) 2506-658 ext. 111 o 22904-760


To disseminate multidisciplinary scientific unpublished articles, elaborated under the parameters of the research methodology, written with academic rigor and based on the teaching practice.


The topics covered are the theoretical bases of the Education Sciences in its different specialties and levels of the educational system. Priority will be given to papers describing pedagogical experiences, didactics used, innovation processes, and their relationship with new educational technologies.


The Revista Cétedra is directed to all the national and international researchers interested in publishing quality works that contribute to the improvement of the educational process.

From its origins, the Revista Céetdra was published in printed format. It is currently published in electronic format, using virtual environments to align to the needs of the revista s users and editors.


The Revista Cétdra, of Universidad Central del Ecuador, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences, disseminates scientific articles on diverse areas related to the Education Sciences, supported in the methodology of educational research and community service.


To be promoters in the publication of high-quality scientific articles oriented by a research and from different areas of knowledge to constitute in the most prestigious reference in the comprehension and improvement of the educative process.

FOCUS AND SCOPE: Revista Cátedra has as theoretical bases the Education Sciences in its different specialties and levels of the educational system. It disseminates scientific-academic articles written under research parameters. It is open to national and international writers interested in contributing significantly to the solution of current educational problems.


The Revista Cátedra is a biannual publication, published the first month of each January-June, July-December period.


The arbitration system for the articles received uses the double-blind peer review method, that is, the reviewers do not know the names or affiliation of the authors and the authors do not know the names or affiliation of the reviewers. As a minimum, each article is reviewed by two reviewers who are external national and international evaluators who do not belong to the internal team of the journal. The review process is confidential and participants agree not to disclose any information in the review.

The procedure used for the selection of the articles to be published is represented graphically in the following image which is explained below:

  1. The author sends the manuscript of his article to the journal through the editorial management system that ensures anonymity.
  2. The editor-in-chief performs a preliminary examination of the article to verify that it meets the essential parameters of the journal: subject matter, structure of the article, compliance with general instructions, anti-plagiarism review, etc.
  3. Based on the result of the examination in step 2, the editor-in-chief decides:

   3.1 Reject the article for not complying with the essential parameters.

   3.2 Invite a set of reviewers to review the manuscript.

  1. Reviewers who have accepted the invitation in step 3.2, submit their reviews through the editorial management system that ensures anonymity.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief re-reviews the manuscript and the reviewers' reviews.
  3. Based on the outcome of the review at step 6, the editor-in-chief decides:

6.1 Request an additional review by one or more additional reviewers in case of doubt about the reviews received.

6.2 Communicate the result of the review process: accept, accept with changes (major or minor) or reject.


The Revista Cétdra website provides access to all published articles throughout its history.


The Cátedra Journal provides free and open access to research for the purpose of universal knowledge sharing


Articles are published under the Creative Commons license. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


The journal uses a plagiarism detection tool (Compilatio, https://www.compilatio.net/es ). A maximum match rate of 10% will be accepted.