This is an outdated version published on 2019-09-27. Read the most recent version.

Significant learning of luminance by the point-by-point method


  • José Ricardo Aulestia Ortiz Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Shirley Vera Macías Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Nelson Mejía Torres Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Luis Puga Peña Universidad UTE



Light, Ilumination, Flow, solid angle


This article describes the experimental process performed in obtaining the luminance of two types of light bulbs, the incandescent and the fluorescent, in the same physical environment. To perform the mentioned study, the point-to-point method is chosen, which allows knowing the luminance at specific points of a surface under a light source located at a certain height; in addition, it is about knowing the degree of visual comfort of the sense of sight in a place of uniform illumination. The results obtained allow comparisons to be made in the use of a specific lamp, taking into account the one that presents the most benefits based on offering a level of luminance and appropriate visual comfort, economic savings and easy obtaining and replacement.

The experience analyzed allowed the application of the basic principles of light and lighting, subjects studied in the classroom, achieving a significant learning about: flow, intensity, solid angle and luminance, without neglecting the search for a pleasant atmosphere of a room through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the phenomenon. In addition, it is expected that the results obtained in this research serve as a reference to initiate an improvement plan that contributes to the maintenance of the luminaries of the classrooms of the Pedagogy career of the Mathematical and Physical Experimental Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador, which have similar physical characteristics to the place where the research was carried out.


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How to Cite

Aulestia Ortiz, J. R., Vera Macías, S., Mejía Torres, N., & Puga Peña, L. (2019). Significant learning of luminance by the point-by-point method. Cátedra, 2(3), 69–82.