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Analysis of intercultural bilingual education in educational institutions of the Tsáchila nationality




ancestrality, discrimination, ethnicity, interculturality, MABIES


Bilingual Intercultural Education (BIE) in Ecuador has become a focus of discussion due to the coexistence of people and nationalities that coexist in the same territory. One of the main problems lies in the fact of ignoring mechanisms of planning and execution of inclusive educational policies given the encounter of cultures where the mestizo has prestige and dominance over the others. For this reason, it is important to make visible the need for the inclusion of the ancestral knowledge of the Tsáchila nationality as a curricular transversal axis in the bilingual intercultural educational process. It is necessary to evaluate the BIE, to know how ancestral knowledge is expressed in education and to identify the experiences of the Model application of the Bilingual Intercultural Educational System (MABIES) in the educational institutions of the Tsáchila nationality communities in the year 2018-2019. In this way, the inclusive elements of the cross-cultural cross-curricular axis that must be strengthened in the Unified General Baccalaureate (BGU) are identified to contribute to the recovery of the Tsáchila cultural identity, under a socio-educational, qualitative, descriptive and explanatory approach of the teaching-learning process with MABIES. Their causes, guidelines and, primary and secondary information, have been analyzed through observation techniques (settlers), survey (students), interview (teachers) and focus group (experts). Its importance lies in the contribution to the recovery of ancestrality and the fight against discrimination -particularly in the educational field.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Raza, V. A., & Rhea Almeida, M. (2020). Analysis of intercultural bilingual education in educational institutions of the Tsáchila nationality. Cátedra, 3(1), 46–58.