Analysis of the scientific production in Ecuador through the web platform on science




dissemination, Ecuador, investigation, Latin America, publication, Web of Science


This document arises from the disadvantage found in the scientific output of Ecuador in relation to other countries in Latin America. The purpose of this investigation is reflecting about the importance of the scientific output for the social, educational and scientific development of Ecuador. The methodology used in this investigation is inductive – deductive and it is supported by bibliographical research using the hermeneutic method. The results obtained of the scientific output from the Web of Science platform during the periods 2006 – 2008 and 2015 – 2020 in Latin America are presented. These periods are taken as a reference to contrast the records of scientific production prior to the university reform in Ecuador in 2008 with the current ones. Among the results, it is observed an increase in the scientific output in the country during the last period. Ecuador is in the 7th position among the 20 analyzed countries. It is concluded that Ecuador shows a growth in the scientific output as well as the other countries. However, there is still a significant difference with: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Since 2008, an evaluation process of the Higher Education Institutions was established and it has positively influenced the scientific output of Ecuador. Furthermore, these numbers can be improved by changing the educational paradigm in which writing would be taken as a traversal axis since the first years of formal education.


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2020-05-29 — Updated on 2020-09-03


How to Cite

Araujo-Bilmonte, E., Huertas-Tulcanaza, L., & Párraga-Stead, K. (2020). Analysis of the scientific production in Ecuador through the web platform on science. Cátedra, 3(2), 150–165. (Original work published May 29, 2020)


