The approach to virtual education from a holistic perspective in the face of the COVID – 19 pandemic




holistic learning, COVID-19, virtual approach, technological innovation, educational renewal


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been afflicting humanity, it was determined in several countries that classes should be held online, in order not to lose the academic year, nor the massive dropout of university students. The study emerges from the empirical experience and the review of various scientific documents that focus their studies from a panoramic vision of man, in order to determine to what extent the approach of virtual education complies with providing a holistic learning in university students. The results were analyzed statistically indicating the reliability of the instrument applied to five dimensions with their respective items, in a high range of 0.933, the tests were satisfactory. As for the descriptive analysis of the dimensions, the category "almost always" stands out with 67%, applied to the process of virtual teaching and learning.  It is concluded that the virtual education that is given has a holistic vision due to the positive effects of satisfaction found in the university students. It is necessary to emphasize that it is necessary to use the digital tools in an intelligent, multidimensional, flexible way, with discipline and that it impels the active learning, taking as a base the asynchronous and synchronous system.


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How to Cite

Inga-Lindo, D., & Aguirre-Chávez , F. (2021). The approach to virtual education from a holistic perspective in the face of the COVID – 19 pandemic. Cátedra, 4(1), 81–97.


