Factors that motivate ecuadorian public school english teachers to code-switch in the english as foreign language classroom


  • Wellintong Segundo Intriago Alcivar 0959720322
  • Delia Hidalgo




Sociolinguistics, Factors to code-switch, English Language teaching, Code-switching in the EFL classroom, Ecuadorian English teachers


Code-switching is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that usually occurs in bilingual or multilingual communities. Regarding English Language teaching contexts, it seems that code-switching also occurs in EFL classrooms. Therefore, this paper attempts to find out and describe the factors that motivate Ecuadorian English teachers to code-switch as well as establish the foundation for further researches about the code-switching effect and the role that L1 should play in the EFL classroom. This descriptive, combined, and ethnographic research gathered data through a surveys compound by 6 questions framing the Likert scale, which were answered by 17 Ecuadorian English teachers. The results show that the factors that motivate them to code-switch are related to pedagogical and affective purposes; nevertheless, it seems that its usage is neither planned nor applied to get pedagogical purposes that let them know how and when code-switching might enhance the SLA process. 


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Author Biography

Delia Hidalgo

Universidad Nacional de Loja (Ecuador)



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How to Cite

Intriago Alcivar, W. S., & Hidalgo, D. (2021). Factors that motivate ecuadorian public school english teachers to code-switch in the english as foreign language classroom. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 2(1), 24–32. https://doi.org/10.29166/kronos.v2i1.3032