Developing english as a foreign language (EFL) teacher’s identity

the role of efl teachers in the classroom


  • Raúl Sebastián Ramírez Basantes COMUNA: Soluciones Educativas



Experience, EFL teacher, role, emotional labor, identity, negotiation


Early teaching and student experiences act as cultural references for English as a Foreign Language teachers. Tools and strategies are articulated in the form of roles, which are constantly tested and negotiated within the classroom, modeling the EFL teacher’s identity. The following is a case study on three EFL teacher’s identity development from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. The presence of roles related to EFL teaching was identified through a semi-participant observation and compiled in an observation grid. Observed tools and strategies origin was deepened in the transcription of interviews based on life stories, using a biographical methodology. The use of Socializing / Empathizing skills from the Acculturator role were present in codeswitch using an Ecuadorian pitch, aimed to deal with emotional transactions in the class successfully. Previous working experiences allowed teachers to find strategies to incorporate EFL teaching roles with low emotional labor. Role models from the family and working context played a crucial role in the integration of emotional tools to negotiate roles within the class with low emotional labor.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Basantes, R. S. (2021). Developing english as a foreign language (EFL) teacher’s identity: the role of efl teachers in the classroom. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 2(1), 79–90.