Online Language Learning Communities and the Development of Pronunciation in English as a Foreign Language


  • Luis Aulestia Vallejo Central University of Ecuador
  • Ivanova Monteros Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial


Online communities, pronunciation skills, interaction


Technology has advanced dramatically as a major contributing factor in education and in foreign language learning particularly. New and diverse online learning environments have offered the alternative for language students to complement language learning traditionally taken place in the classroom with enhanced interaction in Online Language Learning Communities (OLLC). This research is based on a mixed method design and examines the use of significant OLLC aimed at improving pronunciation in A1-A2 English Level students at the Language Academic Institute of Central University. The data were obtained through the statistical values reported by the OLLC of the experimental group, as well as the statistical values reported by the textbook platform. Voice recordings were used to reveal if OLLC are effective in relation to the development of pronunciation. Additionally, after applying a questionnaire related to the OLLC used, the OLLC that was considered most appropriate and pleasant for the students during the work time was determined. Finally, the results indicated that the students who participated in the OLLC improved their pronunciation by decreasing the number of pronunciation errors.


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Author Biographies

Luis Aulestia Vallejo, Central University of Ecuador

Instituto Académico de Idiomas, Quito, Ecuador

Ivanova Monteros, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial

Instituto de Idiomas, Quito, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Aulestia Vallejo, L., & Monteros, I. (2018). Online Language Learning Communities and the Development of Pronunciation in English as a Foreign Language. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 1(01), 13–25. Retrieved from