Identification, evaluation and prevention of mechanical risks in the CCDC 37 petroleum drilling drill
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For the development of this research, the first step was to identify the mechanical risks in the different work stations by means of questionnaires and interviews, which were applied to the workers of the work crews, with the objective of knowing the most important risks in: machines and tools, work surfaces, confined spaces and hoisting means; work places where accidents, occupational diseases, damage to property and alterations to the environment can occur on a daily basis. As a second step, the mechanical factors of occupational hazards were measured using William Fine's method and then evaluated to establish the degree of danger according to the proposed conditions. From the study carried out of the Identification, evaluation and prevention of mechanical risks in the CCDC 37 petroleum drilling drill with emphasis on the specific jobs, the number of risks for each one was obtained. The last step of this study is the prevention of mechanical occupational hazards and the probable alternative solutions to the detected risks.
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