No. 9 (2024): Sociología y Política HOY
The “Sociology and Politics TODAY” magazine is a publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UCE and the Network of Sociology and Political Science Careers of Ecuador. This issue proposes to reflect on “Violence and insecurity in Ecuador: analysis and alternatives”.
In this way, we contribute to the analysis and dissemination of criteria on the theme of violence and insecurities, from democratic perspectives, that consider human rights, that appreciate national and regional sovereignty, that aspire to responsible public policy options, that are not reduced only to militarize national life, increase penalties, reduce rights and import pre-packaged policies from abroad.
Without a doubt, the issue of violence and insecurity, drug trafficking and state crisis, has been at the center of debate and national politics for months and deserves serious, deep and appropriate diagnoses and proposals from the various institutions of the country, including universities.