Aesthetic alternatives for lateral incisor agenesia as part of an integral oral rehabilitation


  • Jimmy Tintín Gómez Magister en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud, UNIANDES; Especialista en Rehabilitación Oral y Estética,Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE); Docente Titular de Cariología y Operatoria, UCE



Anodontia, Dental Aesthetics, Smile


Nowadays aesthetic restorative tratments have accuried a main importance in dental clinics, because of the importance that patients give to their smile as a factor that helps thems to improve their self steem and life quality.

Female patient aged 39 years old, comes for consultation wishing to improve her smile, having recived a prior treatment that didnt satisfy her. Clinical examination revealed agenesia of tooth 22 and in its place a canine with a defective metal ceramic crown was found, spacing between teeth 23 and 21, atrition on teeth 11 and 21, discromia of tooth 12 and dental asimmetry of upper front teeth. The objective of this case report is to describe a rigurous dentofacial analisys which allows to obtain a precisse diagnosis and stablish a integral treatment plan (Funtional, Biological and Aesthetical) transforming the canine to lateral incisor and im-proving the patients smile.


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How to Cite

Tintín Gómez, J. (2018). Aesthetic alternatives for lateral incisor agenesia as part of an integral oral rehabilitation. Odontología, 19(2), 53–73.ía.vol19.n2.53-73



Case Report