Influence of the technique of ultrasonic preparation on the adaptation of fiberglass conical post


  • José Edgar Valdivia Cárdenas Profesor asistente de los cursos de especialización en Endodoncia de la APCD central (São Paulo-Brasil). Alumno de maestría en Endodoncia por la Universidad de São Paulo
  • Ricardo Vásquez Jeri Alumno del curso de especialidad en Endodoncia por APCD central (São Paulo-Brasil)
  • Hair Salas Beltrán Especialista en Endodoncia por la USP. Profesor de Endodoncia de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Católica de Santa Maria (FOUCSM)
  • Manoel Eduardo de Lima Machado Profesor Doctor libre Docente en Endodoncia por la Universidad de São Paulo (FOUSP). Profesor coordinador de los cursos de especialidad en Endodoncia de la APCD central (São Paulo-Brasil)


Endodontic, fiberglass post, preparation for intra-radicular retainer


Objective: Was to evaluate ex vivo the adaptation of conical fiber posts WhitePost DC 0,5 in circular canals prepared with the PostPrep 0.5 ultrasonic tip and WhitePost DC 0,5 drills. Materials and methods: 30 upper lateral incisors were used. The root canals were instrumented and apical filling. Subsequently, two experimental groups were randomly divided; Group 1 (15 roots): Post Preparation with PostPrep 0.5 ultrasonic tip and Group 2 (15 roots): prepared with WhitePost DC 0.5 drills. Conical fiberglass posts were cemented with resin cement. The roots were sectioned and cross sections were obtained from each root (Cervical third and apical third of the post). The cuts were observed with a Stereoscopic at 40x magnification. The adaptation of the post to the dentin walls could be measured, was evaluated the thickness of resinous cement and the area of the root canal occupied by the post. The statistical evaluation used the t-student and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: In the cervical thirds, a fine amount of dual resinous cement was obtained in both groups without difference between groups (p> .05) And a higher percentage of area occupied by the post in the root canal of 93.12% and 90.79% in both groups, and in the apical third of the post there was a smaller quantity of resinous cement for group 1 when com-pared with group 2 (p <.05), consequently a better adaptation of the post in the root canal. Likewise, the posts of group 1 presented a greater percentage of occupied area in the root canal 83.14% and 69.57% in group 2 with significant statistical difference between groups (p <0.5). Conclusions: In circular canals the ultrasonic preparation technique allowed a better adaptation of the conical fiberglass post in the canal, compared with rotary preparations.


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How to Cite

Valdivia Cárdenas, J. E., Vásquez Jeri, R., Salas Beltrán, H., & Eduardo de Lima Machado, M. (2018). Influence of the technique of ultrasonic preparation on the adaptation of fiberglass conical post. Odontología, 18(2), 20–28. Retrieved from



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