Oral rehabilitation in patients with ectodermal dysplasia: one year follow-up


  • Julio Cesar Bassi PhD Profesor de Odontopediatría Universidad Santa Cecília (UNISANTA)- Santos, SP, Brasil / Fundación Herminio Ometto (UNIARARAS) Arara
  • Ana Maria Antunes Santos Magíster Profesora de Operatoria Dental de la Universidad Santa Cecília (UNISANTA)- Santos
  • Tamara Kerber Tedesco PhD en Odontopediatría, Profesora de Odontopediatría de la Fundación Herminio Ometto (UNIARARAS) Araras, SP, Brasil / Universidad Paulista (UNIP) Campinas, SP, Brasil y Profesora de Biodontología en la Universidad Ibirapuera (UNIB), Programa de Maestría São Paulo
  • Alessandra Reyes PhD en Odontopediatría, Profesora de Odontopediatría de la Fundación Herminio Ometto (UNIARARAS) Araras
  • Giselle Rodrigues de Sant’Anna PhD Profesora de los programas de pregrado y maestría en Odontología, Universidad Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo


Oral rehabilitation in children, Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, Total Anodontia


Ectodermal Dysplasia (ED) are genetic disorders determined by genetic factors, which can change the ectodermal struc-tures such as the teeth, skin, hair, nails, sweat and sebaceous glands. There are many variations of ED, and the Hypohi-drotic or Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia which is linked to the X chromosome (XLHED) is the best-known form and one of which the dental care is a very important stage of the treatment. This study aimed to report a clinical case of a male patient, 02 years old, suffering from XLHED, whose treatment consisted of making a Total Prosthesis in both arches, with the intention of improving his aesthetic, functional and psychological conditions. This patient sought, with his mother, the baby clinic of the University Santa Cecilia (UNISANTA) with the major complaint of “lack of teeth from birth.” The result was the recovery of aesthetic, functional and psychological conditions of the patient. In view of this, it was concluded that early diagnosis and treatment are important factors to improve the aesthetic, functional and psychological conditions of the child, allowing their physical, emotional and social development. In addition, installation of the Total Prosthesis allowed better nutrition and broke the finger-sucking habit, representing a satisfactory alternative for the rehabilitation treatment.


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How to Cite

Bassi, J. C., Antunes Santos, A. M., Tedesco, T. K., Reyes, A., & Rodrigues de Sant’Anna, G. (2018). Oral rehabilitation in patients with ectodermal dysplasia: one year follow-up. Odontología, 18(2), 84–90. Retrieved from https://revistadigital.uce.edu.ec/index.php/odontologia/article/view/1347



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