Effectiveness of intraoral and extraoral polishing systems for ceramic surfaces: In vitro comparative study
The correct adjustment and polishing of dental ceramic restorations is essential to preserve the durability and structural integrity of the ceramic material and its antagonist. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the intraoral and extraoral polishing systems for ceramics. Materials and Methods: 40 samples of feldspathic porcelain (Denstply, Ceramco III) were made in the form of a disk (7mm in diameter and 3mm in thickness), subsequently all samples were glazed and four groups were randomly formed: G1 Positive Control ( Glazed porcelain), G2 abrasion with diamond burs and extraoral polishing system (Masterdent), G3 abrasion with diamond burs and intraoral polishing system (Jota), G4 abrasion with diamond burs and intraoral polishing system (RA-KIT) The roughness of the abrasive and polished surfaces was evaluated by means of a digital roughness meter (TESTER SRT-6200 roughness pattern Ra 1.64um, velocity 0.1135 mm/s wavelength 0.25mm). The statistical analysis was through the ANOVA and Tukey tests with a significance level of 5%. Results: Anova showed significant differences in all groups (p <0.05). Tukey identified that there is no significant difference between groups G1 and G3 (p> 0.05), while for groups G2 and G4 there were statistically significant differences (p <0.05) with respect to G1. Conclusion: The G3 intraoral polishing system (JOTA) showed greater effectiveness and no significant difference respect to the control group.
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