Correcting the implant position in 3D printed models by means of verification jig




Dental implants, three-dimensional printing, dental impression technique, dimensional measurement accuracy


Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the use of a verification jig to correct the position of dental implants in a 3D printed model and to compare its accuracy with dental casts obtained by conventional impression. Materials and methods: Three dental implants were installed in a partial dentate maxillary model and dental casts (n=10) were obtained by conventional and digital impressions. A verification jig was used to determine the implant position into the 3D printed model and its accuracy was compared with conventional cast. Results: Data were analyzed by within ANOVA and post hoc test at a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. A statistically higher measurement error (p≤ 0.05) was found for 3D printed models in comparison with conventional models, with a mean difference of 47µm. Conclusion: The use of verification jig for positioning dental implants in a 3D printed model.


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Author Biographies

Iván García Merino

PhD Profesor de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador; Quito Ecuador

Lauren Oliveira Lima Bohner

Departamento de Prótesis; Falcultad de Odontología; Universidad de Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo; Brasil

Fernando Igai

Departamento de Prótesis; Falcultad de Odontología; Universidad de Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo; Brasil

Pedro Tortamano Neto

Departamento de Prótesis; Falcultad de Odontología; Universidad de Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo; Brasil


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How to Cite

García Merino, I. ., Lima Bohner, L. O., Igai, F., & Tortamano Neto, P. (2019). Correcting the implant position in 3D printed models by means of verification jig. Odontología, 21(2), 39–50.



Scientific article