Margin microfiltration in class II cavity restored with nano hybrid resins vs nano hybrid resins bulk fill. Study in vitro




Marginal adaptation, Composite Resins, Dental Materials, Dental restauration failure, Dental leakage


Among postoperative complications, microfiltration is frequent when direct restorations with resin are performed in the posterior sector, especially in the deep part of the proximal boxes. Objective: To evaluate by means of a stereo microscope if Bulk Fill nano-hybrid resins have a lower degree of marginal microfiltration in class II cavities than conventional nano-hybrid resins. Materials and methods: Standardized Black class II cavities of 30 premolars extracted by orthodontic indication were randomly restored in two groups (n = 15). The first group was restored with Tetric EvoCeram® nano hybrid resin (Ivoclar) with 2mm increments and the second group with Bulk Fill (ivoclar) nano hybrid resin with 4mm increments. All samples were subjected to thermocycling for 5000 cycles and subsequently immersed in methylene blue for 24 hours. Finally, a sagittal section was performed uniformly and the depth of marginal microfiltration at the base of the proximal box was evaluated by means of a stereo microscope and the analysis of two blind observers. Results: The two groups presented marginal microfiltration, in varying degrees. Conclusion: Although the cavities restored with Bulk Fill nano-hybrid resin presented lower values, the Mann Whitney test resulted in the existing differences not being statistically significant (p = 0.181).


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Author Biographies

Paulina Alexandra Jinez Zuñiga

Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Central Del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador; Odontóloga Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador

Iván Ricardo García Merino

Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Central Del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador; Docente en la Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador

Javier Oswaldo Silva Silva

Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Central Del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador; Docente en la Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador; Especialista en Rehabilitación Oral


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How to Cite

Jinez Zuñiga, P. A., García Merino, I. R., & Silva Silva, J. O. (2020). Margin microfiltration in class II cavity restored with nano hybrid resins vs nano hybrid resins bulk fill. Study in vitro. Odontología, 22(1), 55–65.



Scientific article