English Epidemiological study on the bacterial plaque index and CPO in Los Monos Health Center - Milagro, Ecuador
dental plaque, dental caries, adultAbstract
To study the presence of bacterial plaque and dental caries in adults in the city of Milagro, Ecuador. From a population of 288 patients attended within the specific period of 2016-2017, patients were selected who were between the ages of 16 and 70, consisting of 187 patients, 131 female and 55 male, in turn they were subdivided into 2 groups under 35 years old and another group over 35 years of age. Of the CPO results found, the highest frequency of caries prevails in patients older than 35 years, the presence of bacterial plaque is higher in young men, although the percentages of bacterial plaque are greater in patients older than 35 years. We can observe the relationship that exists between the presence of dental plaque and the appearance of dental caries, although it is true that young patients have a greater accumulation of plaque.
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