Recommendations for the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infections in dentistry




Betacoronavirus, coronavirus infections, primary prevention, dental staff, epidemiology


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the new pandemic of coronavirus pneumonia COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, in a short period of time, has spread to all regions of the world where the number of confirmed cases and deaths continues to rise. Along with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS), this is the third highly pathogenic human coronavirus that has emerged in the past two decades. Faced with this Public Health emergency, attempts have been made to control the global spread; however, in the vast majority of countries the capacity of their health systems has been overwhelmed. Appropriate measures have been found to reduce the risk of infection and effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic. In dentistry, due to the special nature of its procedures, the risk of cross infection is high and strict prevention and control measures are important, particularly due to possible care for asymptomatic patients capable of transmitting the virus. Given the urgent need to establish strict and effective infection control protocols, a review of the scientific evidence was carried out to analyze the epidemiological and infectious characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and to recommend prevention and control measures in relation to professionals and students of dentistry to block person-to-person transmission routes in dental clinics and hospitals.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Suárez Salgado

Especialista en Periodoncia. Profesor de pre grado/posgrado. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.

Roberto Campuzano

Especialista en Periodoncia. Profesor de pre grado/posgrado. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.

Marina Dona Vidale

Especialista en Periodoncia. Profesor de pre grado/posgrado. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.

Eduardo Garrido Cisneros

PhD, especialista en Periodoncia y en Implantología. Profesor de pre grado/posgrado. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.

Thaís Gimenez Miniello

Stomatology Department, School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Suárez Salgado, S., Campuzano, R., Dona Vidale, M., Garrido Cisneros, E., & Gimenez Miniello, T. (2020). Recommendations for the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infections in dentistry. Odontología, 22(2), 5–32.



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