Smile aesthetics in orthodontics
aesthetics, smile, orthodontistsAbstract
The appreciation of beauty in a smile is given by several factors that could make a difference between orthodontists versus the general public. Objetive: To evaluate the perception of the aesthetics of the smile among orthodontists and non-orthodontists. Materials and Methods: A virtual survey was applied, where the perspectives regarding the aesthetics of a smile were evaluated. The sample was made up of 101 professionals with knowledge of Orthodontics and 102 non-orthodontists, who observed five groups of three photographs that were modified in each of the aesthetic factors such as: dental exposure, midline, smile arch, gingival exposure and lip thickness; where the participants had to classify them, according to their criteria, as: beautiful, acceptable or unsightly. Results: It was observed by means of a chi square with a value of p <0.05 that there were statistically significant differences between orthodontists and non-orthodontists. The former classified as unsightly factors such as: dental exposure greater than 5 mm and a deviated dental midline of 5 mm; while non-orthodontists found thin lips unsightly. Conclusions: The perception of aesthetics in a smile by Orthodontists and non-Orthodontists is different since the former give priority to the teeth before the surrounding soft tissues.
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