Uso del láser de diodo de 940nm como complemento en el tratamiento endodóntico de un diente necrótico con lesión periapical aguda. Reporte de caso


  • Maria Jose Masson Palacios Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Escuela de Odontología


Objective: To report on the use of diode laser as a complementary tool in the endodontic treatment of a necrotic mandibular molar with an acute periapical lesion.

Case presentation: A 38-year-old male patient presented with acute pain in the right mandibular region. Clinical and radiographic evaluation confirmed pulp necrosis and acute periapical abscess in tooth 4.6. A standard protocol of chemical irrigation with sodium hypochlorite (5%) and EDTA (17%) was used, complemented with diode laser in high power mode for disinfection and low power for photobiomodulation. Tomographic control at five months showed periapical healing and bone regeneration.

Conclusion: The integration of diode laser as an adjuvant to endodontic therapy can improve tissue regeneration, making it a potential complementary tool in complex cases.


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How to Cite

Masson Palacios, M. J. (2025). Uso del láser de diodo de 940nm como complemento en el tratamiento endodóntico de un diente necrótico con lesión periapical aguda. Reporte de caso. Odontología, 27(Especial). Retrieved from