
  • Carlos Puruncajas Armas Universidad Hemisferios


SUMMARYObjective: to present a clinical case report of a patient with Fetal Valproate Syndrome (VFS) and bring into discussion the consequences of the disease and its relationship with Dentistry, in addition to possible alternative methods for women with epilepsy, who are planning a gestation. Materials and Methods: To develop this clinical case report, the precepts of the exploratory study were followed, through bibliographical research on SVF, through scientific articles, medication leaflets, books, medical manuals and informative booklets. A search was carried out in the PubMed and Scielo databases, using the keywords in English: ‘’Valproic Acid’’, ‘’Sodium Valproate’’ and ‘’Fetal Valproate Syndrome’’. Results: The literature review cites SVF and its relationship with dentistry in detail, in addition to other important information, such as pre-pregnancy therapeutic options, for women with epilepsy who wish to become pregnant. Conclusions: Most studies suggest avoiding sodium valproate as a first-choice treatment for epilepsy in women of childbearing age. However, it is clear that the approach to epilepsy and pregnancy must begin at the beginning of reproductive life. It is important to define pre-conceptionally, and in a multidisciplinary manner, an effective and least teratogenic regimen possible, to guarantee the health of the mother and baby. There are many oral manifestations related to the use of anticonvulsants, which makes the knowledge of dentists extremely important, facilitating dental treatment.Keywords: Valproic Acid; Sodium Valproate; Fetal Valproate Syndrome.


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How to Cite

Puruncajas Armas, C. (2025). SINDROME DE VALPROATO FETAL EN EL CONTEXTO DE ODONTOLOGIA: REPORTE DE CASO CLINICO. Odontología, 27(Especial). Retrieved from



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