This is an outdated version published on 2019-01-30. Read the most recent version.

Relation between academic performance and attendance as factors of student promotion


  • Segundo Napoleón Barreno Freire Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Oswaldo Haro Jácome
  • Paola Flores Yandún



Approval, attendance, grades, averages, promotion, student academic performance, disapproval


Thisarticle shows the correspondence between academic performance and attendance as factors of success of the students studying atthe Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences (FFLCE) of Universidad Central del Ecuador(UCE), from documentary information of the institutional files registered by the Computer Services Unit of the Faculty of Philosophy (USIF) in the academic period 2016 -2017, speciallythe qualifications component of all the levels (semesters), considered the grade-point averages of the subjects about current careers for the degree, approved by the Council of Higher Education(CES), in which 3617 students are enrolled. The grade-point averages and attendance were calculated through a statistical analysis with the use of the correlation coefficient, and a 0.75 was obtained. This means that there is a moderate positive correlation, and directly proportional. Academic performance and attendance by gender (men -women)does not show significant difference, which means that they have similar qualifications and attendtoclasses equally.


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How to Cite

Barreno Freire, S. N., Haro Jácome, O., & Flores Yandún, P. (2019). Relation between academic performance and attendance as factors of student promotion. Cátedra, 2(1), 44–59.