Social networks in universities of the country: Descriptive analysis and approach to a possible solution to improve the impact on academic activity


  • Mario Raúl Morales Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito
  • Esteban Gordon Salcedo Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Frans Noguera Vásconez Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Santiago Morales Cardoso Universidad Central del Ecuador



social networks, engagement, academy, leisure, conversational channels


This manuscript aimed to examine the use made by university students to social networks and the position held by educational centers when incorporating such means to their academic plan, being the latter the objective of this study in order to analyze the data based on publications taken from FanPages of three universities in Quito, in addition to comments and reactions by users of such releases. Comparison between the use for academic purposes and for leisure is the main parameters considered, and results were shown trough graphics and statistics. Based on such analysis, a possible resource was proposed, based on chatbots technology in order to generate more commitment and loyalty by university students to educational establishment.

It was found that students use social networks to generate experiences and feelings, for which an interaction is generated mostly with leisure websites in comparison to academic ones, where a great amount of words and publications are found, allowing to identify themselves and become a follower, whose main characteristics is share, comment and react with most of the postings.


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2019-09-27 — Updated on 2020-09-03


How to Cite

Morales, M. R., Gordon Salcedo, E., Noguera Vásconez, F., & Morales Cardoso, S. (2020). Social networks in universities of the country: Descriptive analysis and approach to a possible solution to improve the impact on academic activity. Cátedra, 2(3), 16–38. (Original work published September 27, 2019)