Educaplay: a gamification tool for academic performance in virtual education during the pandemic covid-19




education, e-learning, gamification, academic performance, ICT, virtual education


This research is based on the use of the gamification tool Educaplay and its contribution to the academic performance of elementary school students. The objective was to analyze the use of Educaplay as a didactic resource within virtual education and how this process improves students' performance, taking into consideration the change of model and application of new methodologies within virtual classes. The methodology applied is of an experimental-exploratory type, through a quali-quantitative approach that was collected by applying a survey identified as pretest which was validated by Cronbach's Alpha statistic with a value of 0.842 and subsequently the application of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as posttest; the activities were developed using the SAPIE methodology; the study population was 70 elementary basic education students to whom the experiment was applied based on gamification resource using the web tool Educaplay. The results of the research allowed to know if the students improved their academic performance with the use of gamification resources that motivate their active participation, collaborative work, and that the teacher is the one who generates his own resources, based on the needs of the students.


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How to Cite

Páez-Quinde, C., Infante-Paredes, R., Chimbo-Cáceres, M. ., & Barragán-Mejía, E. . (2022). Educaplay: a gamification tool for academic performance in virtual education during the pandemic covid-19. Cátedra, 5(1), 32–46.



Challenges of virtual education