Quality Assurance Systems: a tool for the continuous improvement of training programs, centers and universities





tool, systematic, improvement, sustainability, quality


The University of Deusto has defined and implemented in its faculties a Quality Assurance System that covers all undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees, as well as the management of the activities carried out in all faculties as a whole. The Quality Assurance System is implemented through the systematization of the continuous improvement methodology, by measuring and analyzing the satisfaction of stakeholders and the results of its processes. To broaden the scope of the system, a Global Quality Management System has been defined to achieve student satisfaction, from their first contact with the university world, to their insertion as graduates in the labor market. This system is based on the philosophy of process management. The Global Quality Management System is deployed in the Centers, Functional Areas and Services involved in the life of the university community. The system includes the Institutional Accreditation of the Faculties and the Quality Certifications according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, in the following Functional Areas and Services: New Students, Library, Hall of Residence and Employment Service.


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How to Cite

Zaballa-Pérez, G. (2022). Quality Assurance Systems: a tool for the continuous improvement of training programs, centers and universities. Cátedra, 5(1), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.29166/catedra.v5i1.3451



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