Inclusive methods for reading ability: case of students with moderate intellectual disability




Learning, reading, disability, inclusive methods, reading skills


This article deals with inclusive methods as methodological strategies and their scope in addressing the reading ability of students with moderate intellectual disabilities. The teachers' lack of knowledge and little mastery of inclusive topics limit their capacity to respond to individual and diverse demands. The critical vision of four experts on the subject nourished the research task and allowed confronting the development of real practices with the pertinent ones. The basic objectives made it possible to describe the characteristics of inclusive methods and to evaluate the reading ability developed by students with moderate intellectual disabilities; through a reading test, the strengths and weaknesses in the linguistic area were evidenced. The analytical and deductive methods were evidenced in the study, constituting valid references for obtaining reliable data. The relevant results obtained in the test allowed concluding that, at an average level, the reading ability of the student group is in the process of being acquired, being viable the incorporation of inclusive initiatives oriented to the continuous improvement of the reading development. The presentation of texts with images is a valid option since it facilitates the comprehension and interpretation of the topics addressed.


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How to Cite

Pisco-Sánchez, C. ., & Zambrano-Montes, L. . (2023). Inclusive methods for reading ability: case of students with moderate intellectual disability. Cátedra, 6(1), 136–152.



Education and inclusion