Feminism in Equatorial Guinean literature: an approach to the socio-educational study of the novel Ekomo by María Nsue Angüe





Education, emancipation, feminism, literature, woman, novel


The purpose of this article is to study feminist thought in Equatoguinean literature, based on an approach to the socio-educational study of the novel Ekomo by María Nsue Angüe, the first novel written by a woman in the history of Equatoguinean literature. The research problem focuses on the lack of academic dissemination of the study of feminist thought in the novel Ekomo within the literature of Equatoguinean literature in particular and in the literature of the Hispanic world in general. However, it is important to study the feminist perspective of this novel to know its socio-educational content in order to promote socio-cultural changes that allow a more equitable and inclusive society. The method used for this analysis is descriptive, based on qualitative methodology that has allowed us to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaire conducted, and whose main results show that the novel Ekomo is feminist, because it reflects the inconsistencies of male discourses, as well as the injustices and asymmetries of gender relations in Equatoguinean society.

Existing research on this novel does not focus on pointing it out as a feminist work because of its socio-educational component for the Equatoguinean society. Therefore, the solution we propose to the problem is to study this novel as feminist because it helps to claim from literature the abandonment of aberrant cultural practices. Therefore, it is essential that a work of this nature be more widely disseminated from the academic field so that its pedagogical content is known.


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2023-07-25 — Updated on 2023-07-26


How to Cite

Bituga-Nchama, P. B. ., Nsue-Nsá, M. B. ., Ayíngono-Edú , M. S. ., & Hichaicoto-Topapori , A. . (2023). Feminism in Equatorial Guinean literature: an approach to the socio-educational study of the novel Ekomo by María Nsue Angüe. Cátedra, 6(2), 100–123. https://doi.org/10.29166/catedra.v6i2.4353 (Original work published July 25, 2023)