Alterity, introspection, self-knowledge in the works Bruna Soroche y los Tíos and La pasión según G.H.




alterity, social construct, imagootype, image, thematics


In this research work, a critical and interpretative analysis of the works Bruna, soroche y los tíos by Alicia Yánez Cossío and La pasión según GH by Clarice Lispector was carried out, taking as a point of convergence the theme of the image as a space where the gaze of the other is determinant in the construction of identity. For the development of this research, the methodology proposed by the theatology and the imagotypes was used. Concerning the theoretical support, the postulates of Córdova 2016, Boadas 2016 and Sánchez 2005, who is based on Moura's theoretical proposal on the three aspects of the image, were used as a starting point. In this way, the religious conception in the imposition of identity and ethnicity as a social construct product of the gaze of center and periphery were determined as thematic axes. This analysis, which is based on the hermeneutic tradition, aims to analyze the construction of identity from the gaze of the other and how this idea is perpetuated and conceived as true from the transcendence of the image and religious symbology, as occurs in the novel Bruna Soroche and the uncles. While in the work La pasión según GH, the image is assumed as a trigger for self-recognition through the introspection provoked by the subaltern gaze.  The contribution of this research lies in determining how fiction creates narrative spaces where there is a relationship between the gaze and the image in the construction of identity.


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2024-01-22 — Updated on 2024-01-29


How to Cite

Viñamagua-Quezada, G., & Puma-Torres, P. . (2024). Alterity, introspection, self-knowledge in the works Bruna Soroche y los Tíos and La pasión según G.H. Cátedra, 7(1), 17–36. (Original work published January 22, 2024)