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The vocational identity of the initial and terminal level in the teaching careers of the Faculty of Philosophy, Central University of Ecuador




psychological characteristics, initial teacher training, vocational identity, graduate profile, entry profile


The Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences faces the challenge of ensuring that students choose a career in which their vocational identity enables their successful completion, so it has the need to have information to assist the decision making of institutional managers. The objective was to characterize the vocational identity of the initial and terminal level of the students of the seven careers of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, period 2022. A conceptual review of vocational identity was carried out and methodologically the research was based on positivism, quantitative approach, ex post facto, cross-sectional, comparative type. The population consisted of 941 students from seven careers of the Faculty. The Vocational Identity scale was used as a research instrument. It was found that there are statistically significant differences in vocational identity between the initial and terminal levels, likewise for the sex variable, men have greater vocational identity than women, the career Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences of Mathematics and Physics, and the career of History and Social Sciences had the highest levels of vocational identity, while the lowest scores of vocational identity were found in the career of Psychopedagogy. It was concluded that vocational identity is affirmed as the levels of study advance. The results will support the establishment of academic strategies to avoid desertions and improve the exit profile of future teachers.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez-Pizarro, W., Castejón-Costa, J. ., Chasi-Solórzano, B. ., & Aguilar-Veintimilla, W. . (2024). The vocational identity of the initial and terminal level in the teaching careers of the Faculty of Philosophy, Central University of Ecuador. Cátedra, 7(1), 37–52.