Pedagogic practice in a hospital environment
hospital environment, educational inclusion, pedagogical practice, academic mentoringAbstract
The article analyzes the importance of pedagogical actions in hospital environments, considering the educational inclusion of children and young people in situations of illness and hospitalization. The main problem is the lack of attention from educational and health administrations, and the lack of knowledge of processes that lead to a continuity of the school curriculum; to this is added feelings of anguish and anxiety about the academic aspect, since the absence of the patient in the classroom causes delay and desertion in their studies. The purpose of the research is to investigate experiences and results of research related to this study. It is an exploratory qualitative approach research, it analyzes a problem from different perceptions; it considers the inductive-deductive method and the empirical method as the immediate experience of the undergraduate students of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Mathematics and Physics of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador who participated in the pedagogical practice in a hospital environment. The results obtained from the analysis of the interview script indicate that, in addition to the teaching that should be provided through playful and didactic activities, emotional support is important. Finally, the study proposes different pedagogical actions and teaching strategies adapted to the special educational needs derived from the disease and hospitalization.
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