Instructions for using the template of Revista Cátedra




format, instructions, journal, layout, template


In this article, the style guidelines and the instructions for using the template of Revista Cátedra are presented. These style guidelines and instructions are of obligatory use both in the preparation of the manuscript for review and in the preparation of the final version of the article for publication: an article may be rejected if it does not strictly comply with the style guidelines and instructions provided. The style of Revista Cátedra has been developed taking into account that it is an electronic journal and it will be mainly read on a screen of an electronic device, such as a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone. If you are reading a printed version of this document, you can download the corresponding Microsoft Word file from the “Instructions for Authors” web page of the journal's website to take it as a basis for writing your articles.


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How to Cite

Luján-Mora, S., & Simbaña-Gallardo, V. (2021). Instructions for using the template of Revista Cátedra. Cátedra, 1(1), 14–35. (Original work published September 26, 2018)