An infallible relationship among gender, interculturality and biodiversity


  • Germania Borja Naranjo



biodiversity, dialogue of knowledge, discrimination, equity, gender, interculturality, sustainability


This article looks at gender and interculturality in the complexity of their interactions that occur in the eco-environmental contexts in the power relations of some groups over others (e.g. men over women or whites over indigenous and afro-descendants) with biodiversity, implying interrelations with severe consequences in terms of equity. Therefore, gender and interculturality have a long-standing conceptual development; nevertheless, its evolution has been rather in parallel with little articulation between them, with fragmented and partial approaches. People have been discriminated by their gender and according to their ethnic group, they have also suffered inequity, exclusion, and they have been often separated from their livelihoods. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to create a space for dialogue and discussion from an interdisciplinary approach in order to understand how the populations that live in these territories interact, dynamize and improve in the use, access and participation of the benefits of biodiversity. Additionally, the construction of these new links creates the accent on ecology of knowledge, in which, the state, the academy and local communities bet on a sustainable management of biodiversity. The methodology used in this research is qualitative because of a permanent confrontation in a intercultural dialogue process that seeks a change that harmonizes the coexistence between community groups and environment.


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2018-09-26 — Updated on 2020-09-03


How to Cite

Borja Naranjo, G. (2020). An infallible relationship among gender, interculturality and biodiversity. Cátedra, 1(1), 92–103. (Original work published September 26, 2018)