
The pedagogical, philosophical, scientific and political thinking of the researchers of Universidad Central del Ecuador has been observed in a series of scientific dissemination bodies during their academic and institutional life. Particularly, the work of scientific publications carried out in the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences has been a cause of constant concern for the authorities since 1928, when the second re-foundation of this academic unit was initiated. During the last 90 years, a series of newsletters showed the discussion of university topics that researches performed from their classrooms, laboratories and from their own experiences of the extension programs of each of their careers.

There has always been a marked commitment of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences in relation to the needs that the Ecuadorian society demanded in the educational improvements. This reality propitiated educational research centers to carry out projects with social impact, which should be subsequently disclosed for the strengthening of the Country's academics.

Thus, from 1992, the edition of Revista Cátedra started in this faculty; in that time the journal constituted a clear reference of the research work carried out by each of the departments of the faculty. Some volumes were produced until the year 2009.

From 2010 to 2014, the journal yielded position to other types of publications, like the journal Filosofar, and to other editorial works characterized by more publications of books written by professors. However, in May 2018, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Ruth Páez Granja, proposed the editorial relaunch of the scientific journal Cátedra with the support of several specialists in the field of literature, linguistics, computer science and social sciences, to start a new path in the conduction of Cátedra as an informative publication of the studies related to the Education Sciences.

Currently, Revista Cátedra has an Editorial Committee formed by national and international specialists in different fields of humanities. Expert researchers from American and European universities have summoned as part of the magazine's new Editorial Board, with the clear objective of making this publication a benchmark in Ecuadorian scientific production with international impact. For this reason, in this new phase Cátedra will comply with a series of standards and requirements with more scientific rigor which are congruent with the demands of the editorial management models determined by recognized indexes such as Open Journal Systems or the catalogues Latindex, Scielo, Scopus or SJR.

Cátedra aims to position in various academic repositories committed to the dissemination of scientific articles presented with methodological rigor. In the process of becoming an arbitrated and indexed scientific journal with a high impact level in the international investigative community, Cátedra invites national and international researchers and collaborators to make this academic publication one of the most recognized of Ecuador. We hope, from this Editorial board, that this aspiration will soon come true.

List of publications:

MSc. Luis Cuéllar