Use of padlet for the implementation of the writing process


  • Helen Moreira Olives UNAE
  • Carlos Álvarez Llerena Eötvös Loránd University



collaborative writing, writing skills, writing process, Padlet


This research project intended to enhance the writing abilities of English language learners by the implementation of the writing process through the collaborative use of the technological tool Padlet. The intervention included five weeks of instruction on the various writing phases. The study's participants included forty high school students. They
struggled to write coherent, comprehensive paragraphs and had a competency level between A1 and A2. The researcher used a pretest-posttest design to evaluate the progress in the students' writing. The viewpoints of learners toward the innovation were gathered by pre- and post-survey applications. In order to determine how the students interacted
and participated in the group projects' writing assignments, observation checklists were completed. The post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores. revealing a Cohen’s d = 0.33. The findings revealed that implementing the writing the process helped learners improve the quality of their writing pieces whereas the collaborative use of Padlet contributed to increase their levels of confidence and motivation in writing activities. The study has significance for language teachers and learners because it might raise helpful insights concerning the importance of collaborating with students to follow a writing process and enhance the quality of their writing.


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How to Cite

Moreira Olives, H., & Álvarez Llerena, C. (2023). Use of padlet for the implementation of the writing process. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 4(1), 71–80.