Understanding the scope of educational policies in Ecuador: an analysis of its historical evolution.


  • Danilo Reiban Garnica Universidad Nacional de Educación
  • Fanny Jiménez Quezada Universidad Nacional de Educación




Educational policies, liberal revolution, church, educational models


Education in Ecuador is complex because it is influenced by social, political, and economic aspects. This article aims to map out the historical events that have shaped Ecuadorian education to critically analyze the scope of the educational policies. It is essential to specify that this article does not aim to describe in-depth the reforms and public policies. Instead, it aims to critically describe the country's historical evolution and the current educational situation. In this sense, using a qualitative approach, this study starts with a literature review of the historical background of public education and the teaching methods used in Ecuador since 1830. Year when Ecuador became independent. To conclude, there is a discussion that starts with the policies that the governments have imposed on society and the future challenges that public education will face.


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How to Cite

Reiban Garnica, D., & Jiménez Quezada, F. (2023). Understanding the scope of educational policies in Ecuador: an analysis of its historical evolution. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 4(1), 81–91. https://doi.org/10.29166/kronos.v4i1.4308