Peer Assessment Effect in Speaking Skills by means of CLT-Drama activities in EFL B1.2 Students


  • Carmen Alicia Moncayo Noroña 1708393184
  • Jardel Coutinho dos Santos
  • Rossana Ramírez



Drama, Nonlinear Thinking, Peer Assessment, Social Learning, Speaking Skills


This action research study aims to determine the close proximity and significance there is between peer assessment and drama, as elements that foster Speaking Skills. The dynamics of these elements generate an efficient learning process. It makes use of a careful backward design as well as Gradual Release of Responsibility-GRR considerations, and the use of CLT activities. The project was implemented within a time frame of 4 weeks,2 hours a day; a total of 40 hours were reported in this research by means of CLT-Drama activities-in EFL B1.2 Students, its impact and improvement in Speaking Skills. Drama is a unique space that promotes and sustains motivation, as it is a social learning ground naturally filled with interaction that makes transfer viable. Several assets derive from this experience creativity, tolerance, nonlinear thinking, receptivity to other’s ideas, breaking with stereotypes, helps self-esteem by resourcing to expression of feeling, and opinions. This is a pre/posttest design study with instruments to collect data for the Quantitative research question: Does peer assessment have an effect in Speaking Skills when using CLT activities in EFL B1.2
Public Tech College Students? Data collection for qualitative questions are based upon the researcher’s field notes in reply to qualitative question: How does peer assessment have an effect in Speaking Skills when using CLT activities in EFL B1.2 Public Tech College Students? Finally, an invitation to reflect on the importance of including peer assessment,
drama activities and art to fulfill holistic learning in the English classroom.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Alicia Moncayo Noroña, 1708393184

Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Turismo y Patrimonio YAVIRAC (Ecuador)

Jardel Coutinho dos Santos

Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo (Ecuador)

Rossana Ramírez

Universidad Casa Grande (Ecuador


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How to Cite

Moncayo Noroña, C. A., Coutinho dos Santos, J., & Ramírez, R. (2023). Peer Assessment Effect in Speaking Skills by means of CLT-Drama activities in EFL B1.2 Students. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 4(1), 9–19.